
I love this take on "Death and the Maiden"

Now on my Hyperallergic blog #bruceconner #sfmoma #ratbastardprotectiveassociation

Hillary Clinton has a good laugh as a "nasty woman" (Malle Babbe by Frans Hals) #mashup #nevertrump #nastywoman

Kurt Solmssen: ‘Real World’ at LewAllen Galleries, Santa Fe

Now on my Huffpost blog: Kurt Solmssen #pugetsound #santafe #figurativeart

#Repost @guggenheim with @repostapp ・・・ "Draw your pleasure, paint your pleasure, and express your pleasure strongly."—#PierreBonnard, born today in 1867. "Dining Room on the Garden" (1934-35), sets out to capture the moment and the intrinsically ungraspable play of mood and light. #Guggenheim #Bonnard