So These Three Artists Walk Into a Jeff Koons Show... The Artist as CEO... and Why Skill in Art is No Joke on December 27, 2015
Now on my Huffpost blog: Memorable Paintings from 2015. Use my bio link to view. #conorwalton on December 19, 2015
Caravaggio's "Sacrifice of Issac" #republicandebate #drbencarson #donaldtrump #carlyfiorina #mashup on December 16, 2015
Marco Rubio as Francisco de Zurbaran's "St. Francis in Prayer with Global Warming" #mashup #marcorubio on December 13, 2015
Per special request: version 2 of the Bernie/Ghirlandaio #mashup with the original diseased nose... on December 11, 2015
Bernie Sanders as Ghirlandaio's "Old Man with his Grandson" with a scene from the Syrian civil war in the window #mashup #berniesanders #syria on December 11, 2015
Click on the cover below to view "Heightened Perceptions" curated by John Seed for "Poets and Artists" on December 05, 2015