
So These Three Artists Walk Into a Jeff Koons Show... The Artist as CEO... and Why Skill in Art is No Joke

#mashup Vermeer's Milkmaid with a hijab

50 Memorable Painters from 2015, co-curated by John Seed and Didi Menendez

Now on my Huffpost blog: Memorable Paintings from 2015. Use my bio link to view. #conorwalton

Michelle Obama as Raphael's "Madonna of the Meadow" #mashup

Jacques Louis David's "Brutus" with Vladimir Putin #mashup

Caravaggio's "Sacrifice of Issac" #republicandebate #drbencarson #donaldtrump #carlyfiorina #mashup

#tedcruz as Bronzino's 1530 "Portrait of a Young Man"#mashup

Barack Obama as Marcus Aurelius #mashup #barackobama

Marco Rubio as Francisco de Zurbaran's "St. Francis in Prayer with Global Warming" #mashup #marcorubio

Today's #mashup: Mantegna's Crucifixion with Christmas presents

Per special request: version 2 of the Bernie/Ghirlandaio #mashup with the original diseased nose...

Bernie Sanders as Ghirlandaio's "Old Man with his Grandson" with a scene from the Syrian civil war in the window #mashup #berniesanders #syria

Self-Portrait as Gilles with Muppets #mashup

Renato Bertelli's "Profilo Contino Del Duce" casting the shadow of Donald Trump

Beauty in a Whirlpool: Margaret Bowland and Her Models

Margaret Bowland #newyorkacademyofart Now on my Huffpost blog #driscollbabcock

Click on the cover below to view "Heightened Perceptions" curated by John Seed for "Poets and Artists"

Steven Assael at Forum Gallery, New York

Hell Has Frozen Over: Figurative Art Is Poised to Become the 'Next Big Thing'

Painters: Submit Your Memorable Paintings From 2015

Grace Hartigan: Works From 1960-65 at the X Contemporary Art Fair, Miami

Patricia Watwood: 'New Narratives' at Dacia Gallery, New York