My new book "More Disruption: Representational Art in Flux" is now listed on Amazon. It will be released in October, 2023.
Congrats to @yongchul.kim_studio whose work appears on the cover.
The book features a foreword by @nicholaswilton a feature essay on @jennysavilleofficial and the works of 42 other artists:
Megan Aline @megan_aline Ben Ashton @benashtonart Sarah Awad @saraheawad Lee Balan @lee.balan.626.artist Alla Bartoschchuk @allabarto Casey Baugh @caseybaugh Shane Keisuke Berkery @shaneberkery Arcenio Martin Campos @panchodegas José Luis Ceña Ruiz @jose_luis_cena Riso Chan @risochan Aleah Chapin @aleah_chapin Angela D’Ospina @angela.dospina Xavier Daniels @xavierdanielsart Andy Denzler @andydenzler Michael Dorn @michael_herbert_dorn_artistTeresa Dunn @teresa.m.dunn Marilyn Durkin @marilyndurkinartist Joshua Flint @studioflint Edwige Fouvry @edwigefouvry Dean Fox @deanfoxart Ian Francis @ianfrancisart Priya Green @priyangreen Joshua Hagler @haglerjosh Gherdai Hassell @hassell_free Bryan Ida @bryanidaMarcus Jansen @marcusjansenofficial Ruprecht Kaufmann @ruprecht_v_kaufmannYongchul Kim @yongchul.kim_studioKata Kukla @kata.kukla Lino Lago @linolago Annie Lapin @annielapinstudio Joseph Lee @joeyunlee Kathy Liao @kathyliao.artMichal Lukasiewicz @lukasiewicz.painting Melinda Matyas Johnny Morant @johnnymorant Justin Mortimer @justinmortimerartistDanielle Mužina @danielle.muzinaNicole Sacks @nicole_sacks Timothy Robert Smith @timothyrobertsmithCaroline Westerhout @carolineagainDarryl Westly @darrylwestly and Anthony Peyton Young @anthonypeytonyoung #artbook#disruptedrealism